What Is Binomial Nomenclature? Definition, Rules, Examples

what is Binomial nomenclature

Hello, guy welcome again, in this new article, if you want to know, what is the binomial system? What is binomial nomenclature? Then this article is for you. In this, you will get to know step by step.

What is binomial nomenclature?

If you want to understand well what is binomial nomenclature, then first you have to understand what is nomenclature. If we have to understand this, first, what is nomenclature to know about then what is binomial nomenclature will know about it.

What is nomenclature in biology?

Giza, Inimene, Emberi, Manna, Doanna, Umano

Maybe, these words are new to you, but all these words mean the same “human”, it is known by different names in foreign languages.

More than 6000 languages ​​are spoken all over the world. Now, the name of any one organism is different according to the language. As Elephant is in the English language, similarly in Spanish it is called Elefante, and it is called Elefantessain in the Italian language.

Similarly, as many languages ​​are spoken, there will be so many names. Now it can’t be good for anyone, now you tell me how many languages ​​anyone can remember.

Hence, the need for naming arose. After that, the whole world accepted the scientific nomenclature system for all organisms.

“The process by which organisms are given scientific names is the nomenclature or taxonomic group is called nomenclature”.

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what is Binomial nomenclature
What is Binomial nomenclature

For example – Just as the scientific name in the whole world is Homo sapiens. He represents the human.

Taxonomy and grouping facilitate an in-depth understanding of the unique characteristics of each organism and the internal relationship between closely related species.

It plays a very important role in the management of their similarities and dissimilarities based on a known species. Not only this, but before naming any organism, many of its characteristics are checked. His size, where he lives or where does is,

and what he eats. Is it a carnivore, vegetarian, or omnivorous, and what is the pattern, his genetic information is also taken. Information is taken about its adaptation, how it develops, etc.

Systematic organism science is the first responsibility of biological nomenclature and classification development. Nomenclature does not end with systematization and classification.

But it provides essential information about biodiversity. The nomenclature process provides names at all levels in the taxonomy of life and for all taxa.

The naming of organisms is the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) based on the guidelines for scientific names only the name of every living being is fixed, i.e. that name cannot be the name of any other organism.

Now you will understand well what is binomial nomenclature and what happens.

What is binomial nomenclature?

Binomial nomenclature is made up of two words.

The First Bi = two and the second Nomen = Name.

Biologists, following all the rules of the world, have given scientific names to any organism. Every scientific name is made up of two components. First genus, and the second species’ name.

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“This system of naming organisms is Binomial Nomenclature called this system was first given by Carolus Linnaeus, and after that, all the biological scientists of the world practiced and worked on it”.

For example – the Indian national bird is the Indian Peafowl. Its scientific name is Pavo cristatus. Similarly, the national animal, the tiger, is the scientific name Panthera tigris.

So far, we have learned What is Nomenclature and What is Binomial Nomenclature. Now let’s know about its rules.     

Basic Principles of Nomenclature 

  1.  There is an emphasis on regularity in the classification and nomenclature of organisms. Any taxon should have only one correct name.      
  2. If there are already two or more names, the correct name will be the one that appeared first in use. This method, the “law of priority” is related to
  3. If two or more subjects (scientists) use different names at the same time to describe the same organism, it will result in “synonyms“. Therefore, only a proper name will be valid. Provided that the senior synonym is recognized. This is the law of precedence.
  4. When a name belonging to two different taxa has the same pronunciation at the nomenclature level, it is called a synonym. (Homonyms) are words. This situation arose when the same name or similar name was used for an organism or object from two different authors, belonging to two different taxa. This position is a homonym. In this case, the junior or short name becomes invalid, and an unknown is proposed for reinstatement.
  5. A substance that is based on a fundamental description gets special status, this idea is a “Type Concept”. Thus, a genus and species concept is determined by their type genus or type species.
  6. The tenth edition in Naturae” of Systema 1758 is not recognized.
  7. The scientific name must be either Latin or Latinized, and the name must be italicized.  
  8. Lineage or genus should be a single word and the first letter should be in capital letters.
  9. The species name should be a single or mixed word and must begin with a lowercase letter.
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In this article, we have learned about what is Nomenclature, what is Binomial nomenclature, and its rules.

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